As a dentist, what do you think about the tooth gem trend?
Fun and Harmless Fashion Statement
Tooth gems are a fun, and generally harmless fashion statement, in which small jewels are bonded to the surface of your teeth. Whether you have a tooth gem is down to individual taste. In a healthy, well-maintained mouth, they can be a fun temporary accessory.
If you’re thinking of getting a tooth gem, make sure this is applied by a dentist, who will safely bond it to your tooth without causing any damage. Tooth gems may fall off themselves, or you can have them removed by your dentist.
Make sure you’re brushing well with an electric toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste twice daily, to prevent plaque buildup and reduce chances of developing tooth decay.
Prioritize the Long-term Health of Your Teeth
Tooth gems are a fashionable cosmetic trend in which miniature diamonds or crystals adhere to the surface of teeth. Tooth jewels can potentially cause damage to the tooth structure if they are not applied properly or if the tooth beneath them is unhealthy.
In addition, improper placement of tooth gems can create a space where germs can collect, resulting in tooth decay and gum disease. If the stones are not maintained properly, they may become loose and fall off, which could cause choking or aspiration if eaten.
As a dentist, I would advise individuals to exercise caution while considering tooth jewels and to visit their dentist prior to undergoing any cosmetic dental procedure. Prioritize the long-term health of your teeth and gums over transitory cosmetic trends at all times.
Popular Cosmetic Trend, Placement Should Be Done By Professionals
Tooth gems are a popular cosmetic trend where a small jewel is attached to a tooth with dental adhesive. They come in different shapes, sizes, and materials and last from a few months to a few years. However, improper placement or removal can cause tooth damage, gum irritation, hygiene issues, choking hazard, and infection risk. Choosing a reputable dental professional is important.
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