Dental Conditions: The Nature Vs. Nurture Debate
Bringing home a new baby is exciting. He has his dad's nose, mom's eyes, and grandpa's smile. We pick up many things from our parents and...
What Causes Dry Mouth And How To Fix It
We’ve all experienced dry mouth when we’re nervous or after eating too many saltine crackers. Dry mouth is challenging but a common condition...
What are The Biggest Signs That Wisdom Teeth Need to Come Out?
Scheduling a dentist appointment may be the last thing you want to do, especially if you have some fear and anxiety associated with the dentist....
Preserving Your Smile Through Thanksgiving
It’s that time of year again. The trees change colors, the mornings are cooler, and everything under the sun is pumpkin spice. Thanksgiving is a...
Why The ER Isn’t The Best Option For Dental Emergencies
Most dental emergencies fall into one of three main categories: trauma, localized infection, or systemic infection. Dental emergencies all have one...
How Do Drugs and Alcohol Negatively Affect Your Dental Health?
Having good oral hygiene is directly linked to your overall health. It’s important to know how to care for your teeth and which foods, drinks and...
Indulge Guilt-Free This Halloween
The Halloween treats come out as soon as September to tempt the kiddies (and kiddies at heart) as you walk through the supermarket. Who can resist...
How do you suggest removing coffee and tea stains from teeth?
Millions of people worldwide enjoy at least one cup of coffee or tea daily. Unfortunately, consuming excessive amounts of these beverages can lead...
Why Do I Grind and Clench My Teeth, and How Do I Stop?
It’s not good for your teeth, and you may not even be aware that you are doing it. Bruxism, a habit of clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth, is...